Financing Tools- Home Page

For more information about any of the other services and providers we have access to...

Residential Financing

Go to Richland Financial- PRP Page


Real Estate inquiries

Go to Professional Realty Partners, Inc.


Commercial Correspondent Lending/Brokerage 

Go to 1st Commercial Funding


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The Professional Realty Partners Team

Rates, available loan programs & closing fees are dependent on your credit score, loan amount, documentation type & lender selected.  A Good Faith Estimate is provided to estimate the cost of all anticipated third party providers costs in relation to your transaction as well as the Brokers costs to find financing and prepare loan packaging.  When you receive your loan application, an outline of potential costs is provided for your review.   All "Partners" operate as independent entities & independent agent representatives & as such, potential clients are encouraged to select professionals they trust from any source they deem reliable. Use of one company's services or agent does not obligate a client to use other in-house services.